We are one of the world’s largest exotic, rare and variegated plants retailer website with over 1.5 million monthly visitors.

The website was started with the goal of helping plant collectors gain access to a reliable and wide variety of alternatives.




what is a variegated plant?

We now know that variegation can be both naturally and artificially induced atypical coloring of a plant. In the wild, however, there are species for which this is a completely normal matter, as well as species for which this is a rare exception. Based on the affiliation of the plants to these two groups, different price offers on the market also develop.

If you are even a little interested in the world of houseplants, you certainly have not missed these very popular variegated species such as Monstera Albo Variegata and Monstera Thai Constellation (a rarer variety with a cream color). The first mentioned definitely belongs to the group of rare maids, but it is still more affordable than the even rarer “Thai”. The latest hit was the variegated Monstera Monkey mask.

Other popular albinos are philodendron species (Philodendron white princess – more common or rare Philodendron White knight or wizard) or also Syngonium Albo variegata and various types of hoyas (wax trees).

However, there are also other plants that are variegated, which you can also find in our offer on the e-shop. Among our favorites are ficuses Tineke or Triangularis variegata , variegated candlestick , hibiscus or variegated scapula.

Our favourite variegated house plant

  • Variegated Alocasia (Alocasia zebrina ‘Variegata’): Elephant ear plant with red-patterned leaf stems and green and white irregularly variegated leaves; like other varieties of Alocasia zebrina, this variegated houseplant can grow up to 1.5 m tall.
  • Dragon tree (Dracaena): There are a number of variegated varieties of dragon trees, including ‘Golden Coast’ which has yellow edges, or ones with white stripes such as ‘White Jewel’.
  • Tradescantia: Tradescantia fluminensis ‘Quadricolor’ and Tradescantia albioflora ‘Nanouk’ both have creamy white variegation with pink stems and a drooping growth habit.
  • Pothos (Epipremnum pinnatum): ‘Happy Leaf’, ‘N-Joy’, and ‘Marble Queen’ are some examples of varieties of pothos that have variegated leaves with varying degrees of white on their smooth, glossy leaves.
  • Variegated Swiss cheese plant (Monstera deliciosa ‘Variegata’): This popular and trending variegated Monstera, also known as the Monstera albo, is a variegated climbing plant with large, fenestrated leaves and stunning contrasting white variegation; reaches up to 4 metres tall.
  • Monstera ‘Thai Constellation’: Another variegated Monstera, ‘Thai Constellation’ is a cultivar with marbled creamy white variegated leaves.
  • Variegated Monstera monkey leaf (Monstera adansonii ‘Variegata’): Also known as the variegated monkey mask, this popular climbing variegated plant is highly sought-after by houseplant collectors due to its creamy-white variegated leaves.
  • Calathea ‘White Fusion’: Beautiful type of prayer plant with green and white variegated leaves and a distinct purple leaf underside.
  • Philodendron ‘Pink Princess’: A popular example of a pink variegated plant, Philodendron has dark purple-green foliage with bright pink contrasting variegation.

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Success story

Phil Jones

I was in search of a grown monstera thai con for a while and its all thanks to variegatedrareplants.com i could finally have one securely.Thanks

Railey Townsend

It has been a long search with alot of scams, i honestly didnt have hopes to find a legit site to purchase anymore. Varieagted rare plants you are a blessing! 

Jason O’neil

The best experience with plant shopping ever, the best part is buying plants directly from the US and not waiting so long to receive them.

We love what we do

At Variegated Rare Plants we love being at our customers side, we have been working for a couple of years now to provide the  best plant shopping experience online. The way is still long but we know with our customers support we shall go far. Thanks to everyone who takes time and support us we are greatfull.

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